There is an important and powerful role of a woman in a family as well as in a society. In this high tech era, where women are succeeding in every picture of life, many physical problems in their life prevent them from moving forward and in today's time, one of the main aims of health is women health. Premenstrual Syndrome is one of them which affect women in their reproductive age. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) also called Premenstrual Tension (PMT) refers to the cyclic recurrence, of a combination of distressing physical, cognitive, affective, and behavioral symptoms that occur cyclically during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle that interface with family, social and work related activities. The exact cause of PMS is unknown but it has been linked to imbalance secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters. The sedentary lifestyles, dietary variations, lack of exercise, stress are also the contributory factors. This is important because the symptoms of PMS are also responsible for socio-economic loss and it’s also effects on quality of life. Yoga is widely used to improve health and to attenuate or cure disease. Yoga therapy was integrated to the low cost, self care treatment for premenstrual syndrome. The purpose of this review propounds yogic management of Premenstrual syndrome and adaptation of a holistic treatment in the form of good stress-free lifestyle.